DPA Every Day Resources

DPA Every Day consists of a poster, two videos, and a discussion guide. This resource is designed to support the implementation of Daily Physical Activity (DPA) to enhance student well-being and achievement, and provide an opportunity to engage in conversations about the benefits of being active.


A visual representation of the health benefits that arise from DPA — 20 minutes of movement every day, any which way, during instructional time.


Student/Parent/Guardian/Caregiver Video

A day in the life of an Ontario elementary school student as they discover the benefits of DPA as it relates to their life and the lives around them.

Educator/Administrator Video

An educator shares their experience with DPA within their classroom and showcases the benefits of DPA to students, as well as staff.

Discussion Guide

Sometimes it is difficult to figure out how to start a conversation about quality DPA. These questions and prompts can help start the conversation with students, educators, parents/guardians/caregivers, and community leaders.