Policy Statement
Ophea is committed to providing equal opportunity to all of our users. We provide an inclusive environment that respects the dignity and independence of diverse communities, including persons with disabilities. In accordance with the Ontario Human Rights Code and the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (AODA), Ophea will provide accommodating services and tools that respect the dignity and independence of persons with disabilities, up to the point of undue hardship.
Ophea will support our users and community members in the following manner:
1. Providing Goods and Services
We will train all our staff and volunteers on accessible customer service and communication methods to support our diverse community and various types of disabilities, respecting an individual’s dignity and independence.
Telephone Services:
We are committed to providing fully accessible telephone service to our customers. Our staff are trained to communicate over the telephone clearly and in a respectful manner that accommodates requested communication forms or methods.
We are committed to providing accessible invoices in alternate formats, upon request, by providing large print and/or electronic documents.
2. Ophea Conferences & Events
As a not-for-profit organization, we may review and revise this information from time to time to meet the needs of conference/event attendees as well as our own financial resources.
Requesting an Accommodation:
Requests for specific accommodation at Ophea led conferences and events can be made by:
- telephone at 416-426-7122, or
- email at: hr@ophea.org
All email requests should indicate “Request for Accommodation” in the subject line to ensure that the request is processed as soon as possible, and indicate the specific conference/event and date for which the accommodation is required.
Please note the requests made within one month of the conference/event cannot be guaranteed.
Accommodation for Deaf Persons and Persons with Hearing Loss:
Ophea will cover the cost of a sign language interpreter and/or transcription services during Ophea led conferences and events only.
While we will make every effort to arrange for accommodation services when requested, when it is not possible, the attendee may:
- arrange for their own sign language interpreter(s) or transcriber. Ophea will reimburse costs up to the rates charged by the Canadian Hearing Society for sign language interpretation.
- where accommodations are not possible or not satisfactory, Ophea will reimburse the cost of the attendee's registration fee.
Accommodation for Blind and Partially Sighted Attendees:
When requested, we will help secure a support person to assist blind or partially sighted attendees at the conference/event. Guests may alternatively arrange for their own support person. In the case that a support person or other satisfactory accommodation is not possible, Ophea will reimburse the full cost of the attendee’s registration fee.
Individuals that submit a request more than one month in advance will be provided with a Braille copy of the conference/event program. Electronic copies are also available on our website. If you require assistance, a staff member can guide you on the website.
Accommodation for Attendees Requiring Support Persons or Animals:
Support Persons: Persons with a disability may be accompanied by a support person and have access to support at all times. Ophea will waive all attendance costs for the support person and will arrange for the support person to sit together with the individual.
In situations where it is necessary to protect the health and safety of a person with a disability, we may require the individual to be accompanied by a support person while on the premises. Before deciding on a support person, Ophea will consult with the individual, consider health and safety implications, and assess if there are other reasonable ways to protect the health and safety of the person with a disability and others on the premises.
Support Animals: Persons with a disability may be accompanied by a service animal unless the animal is otherwise excluded by law from the premises. Support animals must be under the care and control of their handler at all times and should be clearly identified. We reserve the right to request documentation demonstrating that the animal is a service animal.
Accommodation for Attendees with Physical Access Disabilities:
While we are committed to booking accessible conferences and events, we have limited control over the facilities in which the conferences/events take place. We will make every effort to work with the facility to make conferences/events accessible to all.
3. Notice of Temporary Disruption
In the event of a disruption in facilities or services, we will make every effort to provide notification to those with disabilities. This will include information about the reason for the disruption, its anticipated duration, and alternative facilities or services, if available. Please note that in the case of a temporary emergency disruption, adequate notice may not be possible. Large print signs and notices will be displayed at the entrance to our facilities and will be posted on our website.
4. Staff Training
We will ensure that all staff and volunteers receive training as required by the Accessibility Standards for Customer Services. New employees will receive training as part of their orientation and all staff will be continuously trained on policies, practices, and procedures that affect the way goods and services are provided to people with disabilities.
5. Feedback Process
Our ultimate goal is to meet expectations while working with clients with disabilities. We welcome and appreciate your feedback on our services, which can be made as follows:
Feedback or complaints regarding our provision of services can be made:
- by telephone at 416-426-7122, or
- by email at: hr@ophea.org
All email requests should indicate “Feedback” in the subject line to ensure that the request is processed as soon as possible. Feedback will be received and addressed in a timely manner. Ophea will arrange for accessible formats and communication supports upon request.
6. Modification to This or Other Policies
We are committed to developing and updating our service policies to be inclusive and respect the dignity and independence of people with disabilities. Therefore, no changes will be made to this policy before considering the impact on people with disabilities.
7. Copies of this Policy
We recognize that persons with disabilities use various methods to access information. If a person with a disability requires this policy, we will work with the individual to provide the policy, or the information contained in the policy, in a suitable format.