Safety Bingo
We are learning how to keep ourselves safe at home and school including asking for help and we are learning about actions we can take to keep us safe at home and at school.
We are learning how to keep ourselves safe at home and school including asking for help and we are learning about actions we can take to keep us safe at home and at school.
We are learning about actions we can take to keep ourselves safe at home and school including asking for help and we are learning about potential risks and how to avoid injuries at home...
We are learning how to stay safe and avoid injuries at home, in the community, outdoors, and when online and we are learning about behaviours that can harm our health and use healthy coping...
We are learning to communicate our feelings when we recognize caring behaviours and behaviours that can be harmful to our bodies and our feelings and ways we can respond.
We are learning to use what we know about being healthy and our stress management, relationship, and thinking skills to make healthy choices and take action to keep ourselves safe from injury or...
By the end of this lesson, students will be able to: describe and apply strategies that they have found to be effective in territory games demonstrate an understanding of procedures for anticipating
By the end of this lesson, students will be able to: describe strategies that they have found to be effective in territory games demonstrate an understanding of procedures for anticipating and respond
By the end of this lesson, students will be able to: describe strategies that they have found to be effective in territory games demonstrate an understanding of procedures for anticipating and respond