#DTL16Days Partner Learning Series: Webinar Series Recap
We all have a role in making sure schools are welcoming, diverse and happy places where everyone in a school community can learn, connect and build healthy, active lives free from violence. However, many people in Canada and around the world continue to face violence every day because of their...
Physical Activity Keeps You Healthy
By the end of this lesson, students will be able to: demonstrate an understanding of and make connections between being active and staying healthy; participate actively and safely in a wide variety...
Additional Resources
These resources are provided to support concussion awareness and knowledge building for the school community. They are organized by the concussion component they focus on: awareness, identification, management, prevention, and training. As you review the resources, check your school board concussion...
Asthma and Physical Activity
Physical activity is part of a healthy lifestyle. Asthma should generally not be used as an excuse to avoid participating. A child/youth can participate and perform better in almost any sport if their asthma is well controlled and breathing problems are recognized early. For additional information...