Striking/Fielding Games TGFU Sample Unit
We are learning to: use communication and teamwork skills so we can be successful working as a team; follow rules for our own safety and the safety of others; develop our personal fitness by...
Over the Rainbow
By the end of this lesson, students will be able to: demonstrate behaviours and apply procedures that maximize their safety and the safety of others; use the simple tactics of proximity, force, aim...
Final Fitness
Wall Ball
Ophea Express Trains
By the end of this lesson, students will be able to demonstrate interpersonal skills as they relate to cooperative team-building games.
Effects of Viewing Sexually Explicit Images
We are learning about the dangers of technology and using coping strategies, and relationship and self-awareness skills to identify ways to protect ourselves from these dangers; We are learning...
Moving Cooperatively in the Outdoors
Factors Influencing Eating Habits and Food Choices
We are learning about factors that influence eating habits and food choices to develop personal guidelines for healthier eating.
Slip Sliding Stations
By the end of this lesson, students will be able to: use the simple tactic of proximity to successfully slide objects to a target; cooperate effectively with team mates as they actively participate in