Assessment When Evaluating and Drawing Conclusions
Inclusion with a Safety Lens; Program Planning for Students with Disabilities in Physical Activity
Did you know that May 26 – June 1, 2024, marks National AccessAbility Week? Each year, this initiative celebrates the valuable contributions and leadership of persons with disabilities in Canada, promotes the work of allies, organizations and communities that are removing barriers, and encourages...
Sexually Transmitted and Blood-Borne Infections
We are learning about sexually transmitted and blood-borne infections (STBBIs) and their symptoms. We are using our coping, relationship and self-awareness skills to identify ways of preventing STBBIs
Ask a Dietitian: Explore Nutrition Facts and the H&PE Curriculum Webinar
As educators we aim to inspire a generation of students to build a healthy relationship with food. But, it’s not always easy for educators to keep up with the latest nutrition news, since the science changes quickly and food fads come and go. Do you have the necessary knowledge to teach nutrition to...