Motor Games
Aim and Send
What’s On Your Menu?
Create a Pilates Sequence
By the end of this lesson, students will be able to: use self-awareness and self-monitoring skills to assess their level of health-related fitness as they follow self-selected Pilates poses perform
Developing Healthy Eating Patterns Using Canada’s Food Guide
We are learning how to use Canada's Food Guide to identify food and beverage choices that contribute to healthy eating patterns.
Promoting Healthy Hygiene Habits
We are learning about the physical changes that occur at puberty and the emotional and social impacts which may result from these changes and we are learning about personal care needs and personal
Factors that Affect Physical and Social-emotional Development and a Healthy Body Image
Nutrients and Food
We are learning to identify key nutrients provided by foods and beverages and we are learning to set a goal for developing healthier eating habits using Canada’s Food Guide.
Physical and Emotional Changes at Puberty
We are learning about the physical changes that occur at puberty and the emotional and social impact that may result from these changes and we are learning how to express our feelings and understand
Physical Changes at Puberty
We are learning about the physical changes that occur at puberty and the emotional and social impacts which may result from these changes and we are learning how choices we make every day can have a