Always Changing & Growing Up Resources: Grades 5 & 6 is a school-based resource designed to teach pre-teens in Grades 5 and 6 about the transition between childhood and adolescence, and the beginning stages of puberty.
Leader's Guide
Always Changing and Growing Up: Grades 5 & 6 Leader’s Guide offers background information about puberty, teaching activities as well as reproducible student worksheets.

Student Guide
Always Changing and Growing Up: Grades 5 & 6 Student Guide focuses on specific content such as menstruation and maintaining/developing self-confidence during puberty. The goal is to provide students with the opportunity to become familiar with this material in an easy-to-understand and confidential format.

Student Worksheets and Tests
Always Changing and Growing Up: Grades 5 & 6 Student Worksheets and Tests includes the following:
For Teachers
- Pre & Post Test Answers
- Activity Sheet Answers
For Students
- Activity Sheet 1: Introducing Terry
- Activity Sheet 2: Facts about female sex organs
- Activity Sheet 3: Facts about male sex organs
- Activity Sheet 4: Hidden Changes
- Activity Sheet 5: Myths and Facts about Personal Care
- Activity Sheet 6: Taking Care of Yourself
- Activity Sheet 7: Scrambled Words
- Activity Sheet 8: A Changing You Pre-test: What do you know about Puberty? Post-test: What do you know about Puberty?