Engaging Students in Healthy Living through Drama

This resource has been developed to support secondary educators in planning and exploring new approaches to teaching healthy living through drama-based activities.

This resource may be used by teachers when addressing the healthy living expectations from the Health and Physical Education Curriculum for Grades 9 to 12 and/or to create a cross-curricular learning experience utilizing The Arts curriculum.

This resource provides important information for consideration prior to getting started, a series of activities, and sample assessment strategies and tools.

Engaging Students in Healthy Living through Drama was developed in 2017 in alignment with The Ontario Curriculum, Grades 9 and 10: English, 2007. Since the release of this resource, The Ontario Curriculum, Grade 9: English was updated in 2023. Therefore, the content in Engaging Students in Healthy Living through Drama and the curriculum expectations identified may not align with The Ontario Curriculum, Grade 9: English, 2023.