Always Changing & Growing Up

Always Changing & Growing Up resources are free, downloadable and support teaching adolescent growth and development, personal hygiene, and healthy, active living.

Always Changing & Growing Up: Grades 5 & 6

Always Changing & Growing Up: Grades 5 & 6 is a resource for teaching pre-teens in Grades 5 and 6 about the transition between childhood and adolescence stages of puberty.

Directly linked to the Healthy Living strand of the H&PE Curriculum, Always Changing & Growing Up addresses issues surrounding adolescent growth and development, and personal hygiene.

This school-based resource comes complete with a Leader's Guide, Parent/Guardian Guide, Student Guide, student worksheets, quizzes, crosswords and other fun resources and teaching strategies to help students understand their changing bodies, and the stages of puberty.

Always Changing & Growing Up: Grades 7 & 8

Always Changing & Growing Up: Grades 7 & 8 is a resource designed to promote a healthy, active lifestyle to Grades 7 and 8 students. Its goal is to help students develop the necessary skills to overcome barriers to physical education, sport and physical activity participation in order to lead active, healthy lifestyles.

Always Changing & Growing Up: Grades 7 & 8 is directly linked to the Active Participation strand of the H&PE curriculum and contains a Leader’s Guide, Parent/Guardian Guide, Student Guide, student worksheets, quizzes, crosswords and other fun resources and teaching strategies to help students understand their changing bodies, and the stages of puberty.

Always Changing & Growing Up was developed by Procter and Gamble Inc. and is endorsed and promoted by Ophea and Physical and Health Education Canada (PHE Canada).