Educators may use the following questions to prompt students to reflect on their actions in the Gather and Organize component (Alberta Learning, 2004):
- Is there any information you still need to add?
- Where else could you look for information?
- Does the information you collected answer the question?
- Which type of resource is easiest to gather information from?
- What were the best sources you found?
- What is the best way for you to organize and sort your information?
- Did you collect enough evidence from more than one perspective?
- Do you need to adjust your inquiry/topic question?
- Have you triangulated your information (i.e., more than one source provides similar information)?
Assessing When Students are Gathering and Organizing
The use of planning skills is linked to the Living Skills from the Ontario Health and Physical Education curriculum and found in the Thinking section of the Achievement Chart (Ontario Ministry of Education, 2015b). Students can use various ways to demonstrate the learning of these skills including: using jot notes or graphic organizers, or having the students write or talk about the process. Students can also record a short video reflection on how they found and chose their resources to use.
Success Criteria When Students are Gathering and Organizing
Educators develop the success criteria with students to create a common understanding of what each component involves. The co-constructed description may be different in each class, but a list of possible success criteria for this component is given below. Not all criteria are appropriate for all grades, courses, or inquiry. Each of the following success criteria should be linked to Health and Physical Education curriculum expectations.
- I can collect and record data about my current level of fitness (exertion level, participation level, etc.).
- I can monitor and track my heart rate while participating in physical activity.
- I can gather information and data about my fitness assessment results to develop a fitness plan.
- I can collect and organize evidence about my progress in performing movement skills and applying game strategies, in my portfolio.
- I can gather relevant information from multiple types of sources.
- I can assess if information is relevant to my question.
- I can find evidence from multiple perspectives.
- I can choose an appropriate graphic organizer to sort and arrange information collected.
- I can determine if information is relevant and answers my questions.
Alberta Learning. (2004). Focus on Inquiry: A educator’s guide to implementing inquiry-based learning. Edmonton, AB: Alberta Learning.
Ontario Ministry of Education. (2015b). The Ontario Curriculum, Grades 9 to 12: Health and Physical Education, 2015 (Rev. ed.). Retrieved from