Educators may pose the following questions to prompt students to reflect on their actions when they are learning to Interpret and Analyse:
- Did you find enough information to answer your question?
- Is any information missing (e.g., a point of view or voice not represented)?
- How does your information connect to your prior knowledge or personal experiences?
- Does the information gathered confirm what you know or challenge your ideas about your topic?
- What new information have you learned that could be added to your KWL or RAN chart?
- After analysing your information/evidence, do you have other questions?
- How do you know your sources are credible?
- Do you trust the information you found to be reliable and valid?
- Did you detect bias in any of your sources?
Assessing When Students are Interpreting and Analysing
Educators can gather evidence of students’ ability to interpret and analyse information, data, and sources as related to the Health and Physical Education curriculum expectations in a variety of ways, such as the following:
- Teachers make anecdotal observations and document conversations with students.
- Students complete an evaluation of Internet sites/sources for currency, relevancy, accuracy, and various perspectives using a set of established criteria.
- Students write an entry in their inquiry journal about the patterns they identified in their information.
- Students revisit the KWL or RAN chart used at the beginning of a unit or inquiry and move information from “What I Know” to “Misconception”.
- Educators assess and provide feedback on the information recorded on graphic organizer.
- Students use reflection questions (e.g., writing about what they learned from the peer feedback received about how they receive a pass while on the move).
Success Criteria When Students are Interpreting and Analysing
Educators develop the success criteria with students so that a common understanding is developed. The co-constructed descriptions may be different in each class, but below is a list of possible success criteria for interpreting and analysing. Each of the following success criteria should be expanded to be linked to what students are specifically learning within Health and Physical Education curriculum.
- I can compare and contrast my dietary intake with those suggested in Canada’s Food Guide.
- I can compare my personal fitness assessment results at the beginning and the end of the course/year.
- I can assess whether my performance of kicking a ball meets the criteria for the phases of movement (e.g., preparation, execution, and follow-through).
- I can assess which tactics work best in different game situations.
- I can analyse different ways to maximize my own safety and that of others.
- I can make connections between my heart rate, level of effort, and changes in fitness levels over time.
- I can analyse how my sexual health may be affected by physical and emotional changes during puberty.
- I can combine and organize information I gather.
- I can recognize when more evidence is needed to support an answer to my question.
- I can assess whether data/evidence support or dispute my question, stance, plan, or decision.
- I can detect bias and identify missing voices in evidence gathered.
- I can determine whether sources are current, objective, and reliable.
- I can make connections between information/evidence and my personal experiences.