Grade 9
My Factors, My Resilience, and My Choices
Students engage using the Think-Pair-Share strategy, an Inside-Outside Circle, and use videos to explore the concept of resilience and the connection between protective and risk factors, and choices related to the use of substances such as cannabis...
My Influences, My Skills, and My Choices
Students use a Placemat Graphic Organizer and information to identify the social factors that may influence substance use, such as cannabis...
Grade 10
Cannabis and You – Conflicts, Resolutions, and Well-being
Students use a Graphic Organizer such as a RAN Chart for Inquiry to gather information about the impacts of using substances, such as cannabis, on a person’s overall well-being...
Your Position about Cannabis in Your Community
Students use a Mind Map to identify local issues related to cannabis use, analyze their impact, record information gathered, and consider connections to national and international issues...
Grade 11
Cannabis – Know the Facts
Students create a Mind Map to examine the connections between cannabis use, addictive behaviours, and physical and mental health; identify strategies to make safe choices; and learn how to access appropriate sources of support...
Grade 12
Consequences of Cannabis Misuse – Your Choices
Students engage in a Class Jigsaw to gather and share information about the consequences of cannabis misuse, personal factors that may influence misuse of substances, and the importance of coping and interpersonal skills to being resilient and making healthy choices in situations involving cannabis...
Cannabis – Issues, Trends, and Impacts
Students engage in an Open Space Technology activity to take responsibility for what they are interested in discussing regarding local and international trends and issues related to substance use, addictions, and their impact on society, such as those related to cannabis use...