Curriculum Expectations
7.1, 8.1, 8.2, 8.3
Refer to the Kindergarten Program 2016 for details on the specific expectations.
Activity Learning Goals
By the end of the activity children will be able to:
- participate actively in daily physical activities
- demonstrate spatial awareness
- demonstrate control of large muscles with equipment
- demonstrate hand-eye coordination in movement
- Small utility ball (one per child)
Inspect activity area for safe traction and eliminate potential hazards. Clearly outline the boundaries for the activity making sure there is a safe distance between the activity area and the furniture/walls. Remind children to be cautious when moving, and to be aware of personal space.
Assessment Opportunity
EL-K Team observation of children’s demonstrated application of active participation, spatial awareness and large muscle control can be recorded on the Anecdotal Recording Chart
Tunnel Roll
Children work with a partner sharing one ball. Pairs explore rolling the ball between each other’s legs. Encourage one partner to stand with their legs spread open, while the other partner rolls the ball between their legs. Partners should switch rolling and standing roles after several turns. Children can increase the distance between them as their proficiency improves.
Giant Tunnel
Children work in groups of five or six. Children make tunnels with their legs by standing one behind another. One child tries to roll a ball through the tunnel without touching the legs (walls of the tunnel). After the child has released the ball, he or she runs to the end of the tunnel to catch the ball at the other end. Each child gets a turn to roll the ball both ways through the tunnel, then gives another child a turn to roll.
Notes to EL-K Team
- Reinforce safety rules such as: roll the ball in control, move in control, and keep head up and eyes open.
- Review the skills of the underhand throw: look at their target; point their toes at the target; swing their arm back like an elephant’s trunk; step forward as they release the ball close to the ground (step with foot opposite to their throwing hand)
- Children can practise rolling a ball through a partner’s legs.
- Children can vary the distance they stand from their partner.
- Use smaller groups if children are having difficulty with accuracy.
- Consider using different sizes of balls (e.g., tennis).
Connection Questions to Expand and Enhance Play
- Why is it important to cooperate with your partner or group?
- How can you improve your accuracy when rolling the ball?
- Why is it important to roll the ball in control?