Curriculum Expectations
6.1, 8.1
Refer to the Kindergarten Program 2016 for details on the specific expectations.
Activity Learning Goals
By the end of the activity children will be able to:
- demonstrate an understanding of the effects of healthy, active living on the mind and the body
- demonstrate spatial awareness by doing activities that require the use of large muscles
- Model, poster, book, or illustration of a skeleton showing major bones of the body.
Inspect activity area for safe traction and eliminate potential hazards. Remind children to be aware of personal space.
Assessment Opportunity
EL-K Team observation of children demonstrated knowledge of the effects of healthy, active living on the body and application of spatial awareness can be recorded on the Anecdotal Recording Chart.
Unseen Body Parts
Children name the major parts of the body and connect the importance of healthy eating, drinking water, and physical activity to each body part (healthy eating makes our bones and muscles stronger; physical activity improves our heart and lung capacity).
Skeleton – Have children touch various parts of their skeleton and discover its purpose. The skeleton and bones support the body; the skull protects the brain; ribs protect the heart and lungs.
Muscles – Have children feel the muscles in their arms and legs. Muscles hold the skeleton together and make movement possible. Have children perform various movements and identify which muscles are moving.
Heart – Have children perform a physical activity and then put their hand on their heart and feel it pumping. The heart pumps blood through the body; it heart beats faster when you do activity.
Lungs – Have children breathe in and out deeply and watch how their chest expands. (Air moves in and out of bodies – need oxygen to do movement).
Notes to EL-K Team
- Use models or pictures to demonstrate the concept of “inside" and "outside” body parts.
- EL-K Teams can draw or place pictures of the major body organs on the body outline picture done in Activity Card: My Body on the Outside.
- If using a carpet area in the classroom for physical activity the carpet must be flat and secured to the floor and not present a tripping hazard.
- Point out that in the same way we need to look after the body on the outside (e.g., washing hands, bathing, brushing teeth) we also need to look after the body on the inside. The way to take care of the heart, lungs and muscles is to get active, eat a healthy diet, and be smoke-free.
Connection Questions to Expand and Enhance Play
- How does eating healthy help your body to move?
- How does being active help keep you healthy?