Forming Lines and Partners

Early Learning Resource
Early Learning

Curriculum Expectations

6.5, 7.1, 7.3

Refer to the Kindergarten Program 2016 for details on the specific expectations.

Activity Learning Goals

By the end of the activity children will be able to:

  • discuss and demonstrate in play what makes them happy, and why
  • participate actively in daily physical activity
  • demonstrate strategies for engaging in cooperative play in a variety of games and activities.



Inspect activity area for safe traction and eliminate potential hazards. Clearly outline the boundaries for the activity making sure there is a safe distance between the activity area and the furniture/walls. Remind children to be cautious when moving, and to be aware of personal space.

Assessment Opportunity

EL-K Team observation of children’s demonstrated application of strategies for engaging in cooperative play and active participation and communication of what they enjoy about being active can be recorded on the Anecdotal Recording Chart.

Forming Lines

Tell children that when forming a line they always join at the back of the line. Ask three children to stand and form a line, and ask, “Who is at the back of the line?” Ask a few children to join the back of the line, one at a time, each time drawing attention to the new person at the “back” of the line.

People to People

Children travel around the classroom (walk, skip, hop) and when the EL-K Team calls a number between two and five, children will sit in groups of that number. Play the game several times and encourage children to find new groups of people every time.

Follow the Leader

Play Follow the Leader with the line around the classroom, leading children in curving, straight, and zigzag lines. Choose five or six children to be leaders. Consider playing in multiple small groups of 4-6. Change leaders often.

Notes to EL-K Team

  • For People to People, inform children that if they can’t make a group of the number called, they can form a smaller or larger group.
  • An EL-K Team member can sit beside a child if there is an odd number.
  • Encouraging children to be inclusive and role modeling positive language for them is also important.
  • Adding a CD player and music adds enjoyment and assists in movements. When the music stops children can select a partner or form a line.
  • Clarify with children what it means to give a thumbs up, thumbs in the middle, or thumbs down about how they are feeling. Share with children what they can do to make them feel better if they aren’t feeling happy (play with a friend, be active outside, listen to upbeat music, etc.).

Connection Questions to Expand and Enhance Play

  • Why is it important to line up at the back of the line?
  • We travelled around the classroom in a variety of ways today, which way is your favourite?
  • What does it feel like to be alone, in a group, and to make people feel included?