Curriculum Expectations
7.1, 8.1, 8.2
Refer to the Kindergarten Program 2016 for details on the specific expectations.
Activity Learning Goals
By the end of the activity children will be able to:
- participate actively in creative movement
- demonstrate spatial awareness using large muscles
- demonstrate control of large muscles when moving without equipment.
- Music with a strong beat
- Audio equipment
- A drum or tambourine
Inspect activity area for safe traction and eliminate potential hazards. Making sure there is a safe distance between the activity area boundaries and the furniture/walls. Remind children to be cautious when moving, and to be aware of personal space.
Assessment Opportunity
EL-K Team observation of children’s demonstrated application of use and control of large muscles and spatial awareness while moving creatively can be recorded on the Anecdotal Recording Chart.
Move to the Music
- Play music. Ask children if they can travel in rhythm with the music. Children can walk, skip, hop, gallop, jump, slide to the music. Ask children “What other body parts can you move to the music?” (e.g., fingers, feet, arms, head etc.) Ask children to explore moving at high, low and medium levels. Then introduce the use of a tambourine or drum to create a rhythm.
- Children can explore moving to the following suggestions:
- Walk on the spot to the beat of the tambourine/ drum.
- Clap and march to the beat of the tambourine/drum.
- Walk about the gym using big steps, little steps, toes in and toes out.
- Run using light quick steps, heavy quick steps and long slow steps.
- Run and jump - you can tap quick light beats for the running and pause, and then hit one loud beat for the children to jump on the loud beat.
Notes to EL-K Team
- Remind the children to work in their own space. Provide positive reinforcement for children who move safely and are in their own space when they freeze.
- Select children to take turns beating out a rhythm with the drum or tambourine while the other children move their bodies to the rhythm.
- Encourage children to come up with their own unique ways of moving to the rhythm.
Connection Questions to Expand and Enhance Play
- Which was your favourite way of moving and why?
- What tips would you give to a friend to stay safe while moving to the music and in their own space?
- Which body parts did you move to the beat of the drum?