Preventing Gender Identity and Gender Expression Discrimination in Health and Physical Education (H&PE) through Quality Policy Implementation


A series of three (3), 1.5-2 hour online learning and sharing sessions for Ontario school board leaders to come engage with other education leaders and academics:

  • Learn about quality gender diversity policy, with a focus on H&PE, physical activity, intramurals, and interschool opportunities (e.g., what a policy expert would say makes excellent policy regarding gender diversity in H&PE) 
  • Critique and improve your existing school board policies 
  • Discuss policy implementation challenges and opportunities in an H&PE/physical activity context (e.g., Facilities: Bathrooms and Change rooms; Physical Activity Opportunities: Inclusive Intramurals and Interschool Sport; Curricular: Mixed Gender Human Development and Sexual Health)


With the rise in anti-2SLGBTQ+ discrimination and hate, it is critically important for school boards to explore opportunities to enhance the school community environment and create opportunities for connection, participation, and belonging for every single student. H&PE, physical activity, and sport opportunities are a critically important connection/entry point; however, they are often associated with experiences of harm and exclusion for numerous 2SLGBTQ+ students.


A maximum of five (5) leaders per school board can participate. These individuals will benefit from deeper learning and discussion on the development and implementation of gender diversity policy, from an H&PE and physical activity lens. Participants may include:

  • H&PE Consultants
  • School Board Equity Officers
  • Student Trustees
  • Superintendents


The learning and sharing sessions will be hosted virtually in Fall 2024 (Session Dates: October 22nd, November 4th, November 19th) or Winter 2025 (February and March – dates to be determined).

A pre-session survey and reading materials will also be shared prior to the first session. A recording of each session will be shared with all registered participants.

What about French-language school boards?

The Fall and Winter sessions will be conducted in English and French-language school boards are welcome to participate.

How much does it cost?

The total cost per school board is $3,500, which includes:

  • Participation in three (3), 1.5-2 hour online learning and sharing sessions (in English) for up to five school board leaders in your board
  • Access to session recordings
  • Pre-session reading and activity materials
  • “Ask Ophea” opportunity following the session to ask specific questions related to your school board
  • More in-depth consultation support from Ophea is available for up to two hours

School boards may also add an optional online webinar for school administrators for $1,500:

Gender Identity and Gender Expression Discrimination at School

A 90-minute webinar focused on:

  • the Ontario Human Rights Code, as it intersects with other Education guidance
  • PPM 162 (Human Development and Sexual Health exemptions) implementation

Note: The date of the webinar will be coordinated individually with your school board.

What have others said about the experience?

“Outstanding facilitators...well done team! It was great to have group from my school board to be able to discuss the different explorations provided...”

“I have found that the concrete examples shared helped with thinking and on reflecting in our practices. I really liked how the content was well researched and based on concrete evidence. I liked that it was focused and on point. The participants really added to the conversation. We, as a school board, have a lot of work to do, a lot of education and message to pass on.”

How do I sign up my school board?

We will be able to accommodate up to eight (8) school boards in each of the Fall and Winter sessions.

Please complete the registration form to register for either session.

Ophea will contact you after you register to collect additional information on attendees from your school board and to process your payment.
Register now