Healthy Food Choices
Healthy Snacks
Vegetables and Fruits
Food for Thought
Eating Well for My Success
Grocery Store Field Trip
Break the Ice
By the end of this lesson, students will be able to participate actively and safely with others as they develop interpersonal skills related to cooperative games.
Ophea Express Trains
By the end of this lesson, students will be able to demonstrate interpersonal skills as they relate to cooperative team-building games.
Origins of Food
We are learning where food comes from and how it can affect its nutritional value and the environment.
Oral Health and the Effects of Food Choices
We are learning about the importance of keeping teeth and gums healthy and how different food choices can affect a person’s teeth and body.
Why People Need Food
We are learning why people need food to have healthy bodies and minds.
Developing Healthy Eating Habits
We are learning how Canada’s Food Guide can help us develop healthy eating habits.
Recognizing Hunger and Thirst Cues
We are learning how to recognize cues our body sends to us, including when we are hungry, thirsty, or full; We are learning how to use these cues to care for ourselves and develop healthy eating
Enjoying What We Eat
We are learning why people need food to have healthy bodies and minds; We are learning how Canada’s Food Guide can help us develop healthy eating habits; We are learning how to recognize when we
Developing A Healthy Eating Pattern
We are learning how to use Canada's Food Guide to identify food and beverage choices that contribute to healthy eating patterns.
Developing Healthy Eating Patterns Using Canada’s Food Guide
We are learning how to use Canada's Food Guide to identify food and beverage choices that contribute to healthy eating patterns.
Making Healthy Choices with Factors We Control
We are learning how to make healthy food choices for meals and snacks with factors we can and cannot control.
Making Healthy Food Choices as Part of a Healthy Eating Pattern
We are learning how to use Canada's Food Guide to identify food and beverage choices that contribute to healthy eating patterns; We are learning how to make healthy food choices for meals and snacks
Nutrition Labels and Ingredient Lists
We are learning to use the information on nutrition facts tables and ingredient lists on food labels to make informed food choices.