Curriculum Expectations
6.1, 6.2
See the Kindergarten Program 2016 for details on the specific expectations.
Activity Learning Goals
By the end of the activity children will be able to:
- understand the effects of healthy living on the body
- investigate the benefits of nutritious foods and explore ways of ensuring healthy eating.
- Mystery box
- Food pictures from magazines
- Variety of familiar and unfamiliar foods
- Glue
Assessment Opportunity
EL-K Team observation of children’s demonstrated understanding of the effects of healthy living while investigating the benefits of healthy eating can be recorded on the Anecdotal Recording Chart.
Healthy Food Collage
Provide children with pictures of food from magazines and flyers or laminated pictures of food. Children can make collages with the pictures, either gluing the flyer pictures to paper or arranging the laminated pictures on paper. EL-K Team looks at the child’s work and asks questions such as, "Why did you choose the pictures you did?"
Mystery Food
Place a vegetable (or other food) that a child may not be familiar with into a Mystery Box for children to feel. They smell it, take it out of the box and discuss their previous knowledge to that food.
Food Sounds
Discuss (imitate) sounds foods make when they are being prepared and eaten. Consider using video/sound clips. Preparation sounds include: squeezing, cutting, boiling, popping, cracking, grating, beating and sizzling. Eating sounds include: crunching, chewing, swallowing, squishing and sucking.
Notes to EL-K Team
- Be aware of children’s allergies and avoid those foods. Do not use nuts in this activity in order to avoid possible allergic reactions.
- To make a mystery box, cover a large, empty can or milk carton with colourful pictures of food. Cut off the top portion of a sock and place it over the opening of the can. Secure the sock along the edge of the can using glue or masking tape.
- Consider having children create their own fruit salad or veggie salad in small groups with constant adult supervision of the use of the food and utensils. Conversation can occur around the food and making healthy food choices. Each salad could be made ahead of time during free play period and then brought out again during snack.
- Engaging child in a conversation that addresses various types of food and what the child knows about the food.
Connection Questions to Expand and Enhance Play
- How does eating a healthy breakfast help you learn?
- Which foods should we eat every day?
- How do you know when you’re getting hungry?