How Intentional Teaching Practices Can Build Student Motivation, Competence & Confidence in H&PE
Teachers Talk Sex Ed: Practical Approaches to Implementation
This webinar will provide the opportunity for you to: Listen to educators with experience teaching human development and sexual health share effective strategies and practices they have implemented in their classrooms. Ask through a moderated Q&A session, educators from across the province questions...
2019 Elementary Health and Physical Education Curriculum Released
On August 21, Education Minister Stephen Lecce announced the release of the elementary Health and Physical Education (H&PE) curriculum . The Ministry of Education has also released an announcement . Ophea compliments the Ministry of Education on a thoughtful, high quality, evidence informed policy...
Re-Imagining Intramurals with Aurora Grove Public School
Assessment When Communicating
Educators may use the following questions to prompt students to reflect on their actions in the Communicate component (Watt & Colyer, 2014): What worked well? What didn’t? What would you change the next time you share your conclusions? How can this new learning make a difference to other people? How...
Grade 7
As children become more independent and more responsible for their own safety, they learn the skills for assessing risk, responding to dangerous situations online, and protecting themselves from a variety of social dangers including bullying, abuse, violence, and other risks associated with...