Let’s Shop!

Wallet Wellness
7, 8

Cross-Curricular Expectations


A1. Social-Emotional Learning (SEL) Skills, D3. Making Connections for Healthy Living

Math (Social-Emotional Learning Skills)

A1. Social-Emotional Learning (SEL) Skills and the Mathematical Processes: Apply, to the best of their ability, a variety of social-emotional learning skills to support their use of mathematical processes and their learning in connection with the expectations in the other five strands of the mathematics curriculum

Mathematics (Number Sense and Numeration)

Number Sense and Numeration (Grades 7-8):

Grade 7:

  • B1 Rational Numbers
    • B1.1 represent and compare whole numbers up to and including one billion, including in expanded form using powers of ten, and describe various ways they are used in everyday life
    • B1.3 read, represent, compare, and order rational numbers, including positive and negative fractions and decimal numbers to thousandths, in various contexts
  • B1 Fractions, Decimals, and Percents: B1.6 round decimal numbers to the nearest tenth, hundredth, or whole number, as applicable, in various contexts

Grade 8:

B1 Rational and Irrational Numbers: B1.1 represent and compare very large and very small numbers, including through the use of scientific notation, and describe various ways they are used in everyday life

Mathematics (Financial Literacy)

F1.2 Financial Management (Gr.7, Gr.8):

  • Gr. 7: identify and describe various reliable sources of information that can help with planning for and reaching a financial goal
  • Gr. 8: create a financial plan to reach a long-term financial goal, accounting for income, expenses, and tax implications
  • Oral and Non-Verbal Communication: apply listening, speaking, and non-verbal communication skills and strategies to understand and communicate meaning in formal and informal contexts and for various purposes and audiences
  • Knowledge about Texts: apply foundational knowledge and skills to understand a variety of texts, including digital and media texts by creators with diverse identities, perspectives, and experience, and demonstrate an understanding of the patterns, features and elements of style associated with various text forms and genres

Activity Description

Students use comparison shopping techniques and a decision-making model to decide on purchasing nutritious foods to sell at a class cultural bake sale with the intent to make a profit to support a local charity.

Learning Goals

I can make purchasing decisions by using comparison shopping techniques and evaluating my choices.


Key Concepts

  • Being a savvy consumer
  • Decision-making
  • Making healthy choices

Prior Knowledge and Skills

  • Calculating discounts and unit rates
  • Idea of comparison shopping
  • Using charts to compare and contrast ideas
  • What makes an optimal food choice

Minds On

  • Introduce the scenario: the class is planning a cultural bake sale to support a local grassroot charity and must choose four food items to sell.
  • In groups, have students use an Idea Web (refer to Materials) to reflect on their possible choices that would attract students to purchase their food items so they can make a profit to donate.


  • Introduce Comparison Shopping Techniques (refer to Materials) which students will use as a reference. Explain the Shopping Chart (refer to Materials) and ensure flyers (print and online) are made available.
  • Divide the class into small groups and set the budget for the cultural bake sale.
  • Students use the flyers to complete their comparison Shopping Chart.


  • Have each group choose a few foods to share with the class. Students address price, benefits and factors that influenced their decisions. Class chooses the top four foods.
  • Have the class create a “Smart-shopper Strategies” chart to demonstrate the need to plan, budget, use comparison shopping techniques and understand needs and wants as consumers.


  • Which food(s) would you purchase? Explain your reasoning.
  • How do comparison shopping techniques influence purchasing decisions?
  • Reflect on the idea of organizing cultural bake sales with a focus on generating a profit for donation. How do you feel about this?