Co-op Placement Boss Scenario Student Worksheet

Gender-Based Violence Prevention Education Resources
7, 8, 9

1. Use the Draw the Line Co-op Placement Boss scenario card to brainstorm, capture your ideas, and deconstruct your answers to the following questions:

What do you think that the person may be feeling when they say, “It really creeps me out”?
Assume you are the person who has received this text. What do you mean by, “Ok, and?” Finish the thought.
What is the problem in this scenario? Why do you think this person is messaging you instead of talking to their boss?
What does it mean to “trust your gut”? Why is it important to pay attention to your “gut” feelings?
Extrapolate this scenario to your own experiences, or that of one of your peers (friend, cousin, close sibling). What type of situation might you be in where you receive text messages that make you feel uncomfortable? How might this make you feel? What would you do if it were happening to you?
2. Notes – Part 2 of video:
3. As a group, brainstorm names of trusted adults and local organizations who can provide additional support to you with difficult situations like this one.
4. Write the rest of the exchange, acknowledging the person’s feelings and possible options for action.

Exit Card

Pause and reflect on everything you’ve read, heard, said, or written down in this activity.

If you were the bystander receiving this text, what would you feel in this situation and what would you ultimately do? Who could support you with your decision and help you follow through with your actions?