In-Classroom Resources

Communication in Relationships

Author: Sex Information & Education Council of Canada

Type: Tip Sheet

Audience: Secondary educators 

Description:  This information sheet suggests strategies to improve communication in romantic or intimate relationships.

Topic(s): Healthy Relationships

Curriculum Expectations

Grade 9: 

  • C1.4 Preventing pregnancy and STIs 
  • C1.5 Factors affecting gender identity and sexual orientation; supports 
  • C2.2 Relationships – skills and strategies 
  • C2.3 Thinking ahead about sexual health, consent, personal limits 
  • C3.3 Responding to bullying/harassment (including sexual harassment, gender-based violence, homophobia, racism) 

Grade 10: 

  • C2.3 Conflict – within oneself and with others; resolution strategies 
  • C2.5 Decision making, communication, healthy sexuality 
  • C3.4 Misconceptions relating to sexuality 
  • C3.5 Relationships – effects on self and others 

Grade 11: 

  • C1.2 Actions, risks, and influencing factors 
  • C2.1 Strategies for making safer choices 
  • C2.3 Reproductive and sexual health; proactive health measures 
  • C3.4 Skills for dealing with stressful situations 

Grade 12: 

  • C1.1 Harassment, violence, abuse – effects, legal implications, and responses 
  • C1.3 Skills and strategies for evolving relationships 
  • C2.2 Using living skills and supports to reduce vulnerability to harassment, violence, abuse 
  • C3.2 Harassment, violence, abuse in local and global contexts – resources, supports, and responses 
  • C3.4 Bias and stereotyping in media portrayal of relationships 

Grade 9-12: Living Skills

  • Personal Skills

  • Interpersonal Skills

  • Critical and Creative Thinking

Draw-the-Line: Against Transphobic Violence (DTL ATV) Postcards 

Author: Draw The Line 

Type: Scenario Cards

Audience: Secondary educators 

Description: Draw-the-Line is a bystander campaign, which presents a variety of scenarios of sexual violence and asks the public to consider how they might respond or intervene. The purpose of the Draw-the-Line campaign is to start conversations about sexual violence. Postcards and posters can be used to accompany classroom learning about issues related to consent, healthy relationships, and bystander intervention. These scenario cards contain common transphobic situations, accompanied by intervention tips and support sites.

Topic(s): Personal Safety and Injury Prevention, 2SLGBTQI+ Youth, Sexual Violence

Curriculum Expectations

Grade 9: 

  • C1.4 Preventing pregnancy and STIs 
  • C1.5 Factors affecting gender identity and sexual orientation; supports 
  • C2.2 Relationships – skills and strategies 
  • C2.3 Thinking ahead about sexual health, consent, personal limits 
  • C3.3 Responding to bullying/harassment (including sexual harassment, gender-based violence, homophobia, racism) 

Grade 10: 

  • C2.3 Conflict – within oneself and with others; resolution strategies 
  • C2.5 Decision making, communication, healthy sexuality 
  • C3.4 Misconceptions relating to sexuality 
  • C3.5 Relationships – effects on self and others 

Grade 11: 

  • C1.2 Actions, risks, and influencing factors 
  • C2.1 Strategies for making safer choices 
  • C3.4 Skills for dealing with stressful situations 

Grade 12: 

  • C1.1 Harassment, violence, abuse – effects, legal implications, and responses 
  • C1.3 Skills and strategies for evolving relationships 
  • C2.2 Using living skills and supports to reduce vulnerability to harassment, violence, abuse 
  • C3.2 Harassment, violence, abuse in local and global contexts – resources, supports, and responses 
  • C3.4 Bias and stereotyping in media portrayal of relationships

Grade 9-12: Living Skills

  • Personal Skills 

  • Interpersonal Skills 

  • Critical and Creative Thinking 

Drawing the Line on Sexual Violence: A Guide for Ontario Educators, Grades 1-8 

Author: White Ribbon 

Type: Guide, Lesson Plans 

Audience: Elementary educators 

Description: This guide presents engaging lesson plans that draw on expectations from various subjects in the Ontario curriculum to address, in age-appropriate ways, topics such as consent, healthy relationships, and the roles of bystanders in sexual violence prevention. 

Topic(s): Sexual Violence, Personal Safety and Injury Prevention, Healthy Relationships 

Curriculum Expectations

Grade 6: 

  • D1.1 Benefits of inclusion, respect, and acceptance 
  • D1.3 Sexually explicit media 
  • D1.4 Seeking help – professional helpers 
  • D1.5 Connecting thoughts, emotions, and actions 
  • D2.3 Safe and positive social interaction, conflict management 
  • D2.5 Understanding of puberty changes, healthy relationships 
  • D2.6 Decision making, consent 
  • D3.3 Stereotypes and assumptions – impacts and strategies for responding 

Grade 7: 

  • D1.3 Delaying sexual activity 
  • D2.2 Impact of bullying/harassment 
  • D2.4 Sexual health and decision making 
  • D3.3 Relationship changes at puberty 

Grade 8: 

  • D1.4 Decisions about sexual activity; supports 
  • D1.5 Gender identity, gender expression, sexual orientation, self-concept 
  • D2.2 Assessing situations for potential danger 
  • D2.3 Decision making considerations and skills 
  • D3.2 Impact of violent behaviours; supports 
  • D3.3 Relationship and intimacy

Grades 6-8: Strand A, Social Emotional Learning

  • A1.1 Identification and Management of Emotions 

  • A1.2 Stress Management and Coping 

  • A1.4 Healthy Relationships 

  • A1.5 Self-Awareness and Sense of Identity 

  • A1.6 Critical and Creative Thinking 

Drawing the Line on Sexual Violence: A Guide for Ontario Educators, Grades 9-12

Author: White Ribbon 

Type: Guide, Lesson Plans 

Audience: Secondary educators 

Description: This guide presents engaging lesson plans that draw on expectations from various subjects in the Ontario curriculum to address, in age-appropriate ways, topics such as consent, healthy relationships, and the roles of bystanders in sexual violence prevention.

Topic(s): Sexual Violence, Personal Safety and Injury Prevention, Healthy Relationships

Curriculum Expectations

Grade 9: 

  • C1.4 Preventing pregnancy and STIs 
  • C1.5 Factors affecting gender identity and sexual orientation; supports 
  • C2.2 Relationships – skills and strategies 
  • C2.3 Thinking ahead about sexual health, consent, personal limits 
  • C3.3 Responding to bullying/harassment (including sexual harassment, gender-based violence, homophobia, racism) 

Grade 10: 

  • C2.3 Conflict – within oneself and with others; resolution strategies 
  • C2.5 Decision making, communication, healthy sexuality 
  • C3.4 Misconceptions relating to sexuality 
  • C3.5 Relationships – effects on self and others 

Grade 11: 

  • C1.2 Actions, risks, and influencing factors 
  • C2.1 Strategies for making safer choices 
  • C2.3 Reproductive and sexual health; proactive health measures 
  • C3.4 Skills for dealing with stressful situations 

Grade 12: 

  • C1.1 Harassment, violence, abuse – effects, legal implications, and responses 
  • C1.3 Skills and strategies for evolving relationships 
  • C2.2 Using living skills and supports to reduce vulnerability to harassment, violence, abuse 
  • C3.2 Harassment, violence, abuse in local and global contexts – resources, supports, and responses 
  • C3.4 Bias and stereotyping in media portrayal of relationships 

Grades 9-12: Living Skills 

  • Personal Skills 

  • Interpersonal Skills 

  • Critical and Creative Thinking 

Educator Guide (Sex Trafficking)

Author: Covenant House Toronto

Type: Digital Education Guide

Audience: Elementary and Secondary educators, School Staff, Students 

Description: This guide informs educators about human trafficking and prepares them to facilitate Covenant House’s student-facing modules. A greater awareness and understanding of sex trafficking can support schools in the implementation of PPM 166: Keeping Students Safe: Policy Framework for School Board Anti-Sex Trafficking Protocols.

Topic(s): Sex Trafficking

Curriculum Expectations

Grade 7: 

  • D1.3 Delaying sexual activity 
  • D2.2 Impact of bullying/harassment 
  • D2.4 Sexual health and decision making   
  • D3.3 Relationship changes and puberty  

Grade 8: 

  • D1.4 Decisions about sexual activity; supports 
  • D1.5 Gender identity, gender expression, sexual orientation, self-concept 
  • D2.2 Assessing situation for potential danger 
  • D2.3 Decision making considerations and skills 
  • D3.2 Impact of violent behaviours; supports 
  • D3.3 Relationship and intimacy 

Grade 9: 

  • C1.4 Preventing pregnancy and STIs 
  • C1.5 Factors affecting gender identity and sexual orientation; supports 
  • C2.2 Relationships – skills and strategies 
  • C2.3 Thinking ahead about sexual health, consent, personal limits 
  • C3.3 Responding to bullying/harassment (including sexual harassment, gender-based violence, homophobia, racism) 
  • C3.4 Social influences; decision making, communication skills 

Grade 10: 

  • C2.3 Conflict – within oneself and with others; resolution strategies 
  • C2.5 Decision making, communication, healthy sexuality 
  • C3.5 Relationships – effects on self and others 

Grade 11: 

  • C1.2 Actions, risks, and influencing factors 
  • C2.1 Strategies for making safer choices 
  • C2.3 Reproductive and sexual health; proactive health measures 
  • C3.4 Skills for dealing with stressful situations 

Grade 12: 

  • C1.1 Harassment, violence, abuse – effects, legal implications, and responses 
  • C1.3 Skills and strategies for evolving relationships 
  • C2.2 Using living skills and supports to reduce vulnerability to harassment, violence, abuse 
  • C3.2 Harassment, violence, abuse in local and global contexts – resources, supports, and responses 
  • C3.4 Bias and stereotyping in media portrayal of relationships 

Grades 7-8: Strand A, Social Emotional Learning

  • A1.1 Identification and Management of Emotions 

  • A1.2 Stress Management and Coping 

  • A1.4 Healthy Relationships 

  • A1.5 Self-Awareness and Sense of Identity 

  • A1.6 Critical and Creative Thinking 

Grades 9-12: Living Skills

  • Personal Skills 

  • Interpersonal Skills 

  • Critical and Creative Thinking 

Gender-Based Violence Teaching Toolkit

Author: Gender-Based Violence Teaching Network - University of Windsor 

Type: Toolkit

Audience: Elementary and Secondary educators 

Description: This toolkit, presented alongside accompanying resources, supports educators in delivering curriculum-aligned gender-based violence prevention education. Curriculum connections specifically apply for Grades 8–12, though the content may be adapted by educators working in any context. 

Topic(s): Personal Safety and Injury Prevention, Mental Health and Well-Being, Sexual Violence 

Curriculum Expectations

Grade 8: 

  • D1.4 Decisions about sexual activity; supports 
  • D1.5 Gender identity, gender expression, sexual orientation, self-concept 
  • D3.3 Relationship and intimacy 

Grade 9: 

  • C1.4 Preventing pregnancy and STIs 
  • C1.5 Factors affecting gender identity and sexual orientation; supports 
  • C2.2 Relationships – skills and strategies 
  • C2.3 Thinking ahead about sexual health, consent, personal limits 
  • C3.3 Responding to bullying/harassment (including sexual harassment, gender-based violence, homophobia, racism) 

Grade 10: 

  • C2.3 Conflict – within oneself and with others; resolution strategies 
  • C2.5 Decision making, communication, healthy sexuality 
  • C3.4 Misconceptions relating to sexuality 
  • C3.5 Relationships – effects on self and others 

Grade 11: 

  • C1.2 Actions, risks, and influencing factors 
  • C2.1 Strategies for making safer choices 
  • C2.3 Reproductive and sexual health; proactive health measures 
  • C3.4 Skills for dealing with stressful situations 

Grade 12: 

  • C1.1 Harassment, violence, abuse – effects, legal implications, and responses 
  • C1.3 Skills and strategies for evolving relationships 
  • C2.2 Using living skills and supports to reduce vulnerability to harassment, violence, abuse 
  • C3.2 Harassment, violence, abuse in local and global contexts – resources, supports, and responses 
  • C3.4 Bias and stereotyping in media portrayal of relationships

Grades 7-8: Strand A, Social Emotional Learning

  • A1.1 Identification and Management of Emotions 

  • A1.2 Stress Management and Coping 

  • A1.4 Healthy Relationships 

  • A1.5 Self-Awareness and Sense of Identity 

  • A1.6 Critical and Creative Thinking 

Grades 9-12: Living Skills

  • Personal Skills 

  • Interpersonal Skills 

  • Critical and Creative Thinking 

The Trap 

Author: Government of Ontario 

Type: Digital Education Tool 

Audience: Intermediate and Secondary educators 

Description: This human trafficking education tool, which is designed to be used as part of a facilitated discussion led by an adult, simulates being targeted and recruited by a sex trafficker. It is intended to raise awareness about sex trafficking among youth in middle and high school, teaching them what the dangers are, how to avoid them, and where to get help. A greater awareness and understanding of sex trafficking can support schools in the implementation of PPM 166: Keeping Students Safe: Policy Framework for School Board Anti-Sex Trafficking Protocols. 

Topic(s): Human Trafficking, Sexual Exploitation, Personal Safety and Injury Prevention 

Curriculum Expectations

Grade 6: 

  • D1.3 Sexually explicit media 
  • D2.3 Safe and positive social interaction, conflict management 
  • D2.5 Understanding of puberty changes, healthy relationships 
  • D2.6 Decision making, consent 
  • D3.2 Responsibilities, risks – care for self and others, safety practices 
  • D3.3 Stereotypes and assumptions – impacts and strategies for responding  

Grade 7: 

  • D1.3 Delaying sexual activity 

  • D2.2 Impact of bullying/harassment 

  • D2.4 Sexual health and decision making   
  • D3.3 Relationship changes and puberty 

Grade 8: 

  • D1.4 Decisions about sexual activity; supports 
  • D2.2 Assessing situations for potential danger 
  • D2.3 Decision making considerations and skills 
  • D3.2 Impact of violent behaviours; supports 
  • D3.3 Relationship and intimacy 

Grade 9: 

  • C2.2 Relationships – skills and strategies 
  • C2.3 Thinking ahead about sexual health, consent, personal limits 
  • C3.3 Responding to bullying/harassment (including sexual harassment, gender-based violence, homophobia, racism) 

Grade 10: 

  • C2.3 Conflict – within oneself and with others; resolution strategies 
  • C2.5 Decision making, communication, healthy sexuality 
  • C3.5 Relationships – effects on self and others 

Grade 11: 

  • C1.2 Actions, risks, and influencing factors 
  • C2.1 Strategies for making safer choices 
  • C2.3 Reproductive and sexual health; proactive health measures 
  • C3.4 Skills for dealing with stressful situations 

Grade 12: 

  • C1.1 Harassment, violence, abuse – effects, legal implications, and responses 
  • C1.3 Skills and strategies for evolving relationships 
  • C2.2 Using living skills and supports to reduce vulnerability to harassment, violence, abuse 
  • C3.2 Harassment, violence, abuse in local and global contexts – resources, supports, and responses 
  • C3.4 Bias and stereotyping in media portrayal of relationships 

Grades 6-8: Strand A, Social Emotional Learning

  • A1.1 Identification and Management of Emotions 

  • A1.2 Stress Management and Coping 

  • A1.4 Healthy Relationships 

  • A1.5 Self-Awareness and Sense of Identity 

  • A1.6 Critical and Creative Thinking 

Grades 9-12: Living Skills

  • Personal Skills 

  • Interpersonal Skills 

  • Critical and Creative Thinking 


Author: White Ribbon 

Type: Resources, Lesson Plans 

Audience: Secondary educators 

Description: This website provides educator resources and lesson plans relating to ending child sexual exploitation and a variety of other topics relating to gender-based violence prevention, such as healthy relationships, bystander intervention, and consent. 

Topic(s): Human Trafficking, Sexual Exploitation, Personal Safety and Injury Prevention 

Curriculum Expectations

Grade 9: 

  • C2.2 Relationships – skills and strategies 
  • C2.3 Thinking ahead about sexual health, consent, personal limits 
  • C3.3 Responding to bullying/harassment (including sexual harassment, gender-based violence, homophobia, racism) 

Grade 10: 

  • C2.3 Conflict – within oneself and with others; resolution strategies 
  • C2.5 Decision making, communication, healthy sexuality 
  • C3.5 Relationships – effects on self and others 

Grade 11: 

  • C1.2 Actions, risks, and influencing factors 
  • C2.1 Strategies for making safer choices 
  • C2.3 Reproductive and sexual health; proactive health measures 
  • C3.4 Skills for dealing with stressful situations 

Grade 12: 

  • C1.1 Harassment, violence, abuse – effects, legal implications, and responses 
  • C1.3 Skills and strategies for evolving relationships 
  • C2.2 Using living skills and supports to reduce vulnerability to harassment, violence, abuse 
  • C3.2 Harassment, violence, abuse in local and global contexts – resources, supports, and responses 
  • C3.4 Bias and stereotyping in media portrayal of relationships

Grades 9-12: Living Skills

  • Personal Skills 

  • Interpersonal Skills 

  • Critical and Creative Thinking