Triggers of Asthma and Steps to Reduce Exposure


Strong Fumes and Chemicals

Steps to reduce exposure:

  • Art supplies that can trigger asthma include tempera paints, Magic Markers, indelible markers, whiteboard markers, rubber cement, epoxies and resins.
  • Therefore, no- to low-scent products should be used.
  • All around, it is best to use no- to low-scent products. For cleaning supplies, these typically include green products. 
  • Consider creating low-scent policies, which should include perfume and cologne.

House Dust Mites

Steps to reduce exposure:

  • Remove carpets, stuffed chairs, upholstered furniture and pillows.
  • Frequently damp-dust and vacuum daily (use a vacuum with a High Efficiency Particulate Air [HEPA] filter).
  • Cleaning should occur after participants have left for the day.


Steps to reduce exposure:

  • Keep indoor humidity less than 50 percent. Humidity can be measured by a hygrometer, available at hardware stores. Dehumidifiers and air conditioners help to reduce humidity levels.
  • Report leaks and water damaged material to environmental services.
  • Remove water damaged materials (carpet, underpad, ceiling tile, etc.). Repair leaks and promote air circulation.
  • Aquariums and humidifiers require regular cleaning and are not encouraged because of the possibility of mould growing in and around them.
  • For additional strategies related to indoor air quality, consult Health Canada’s Indoor Air Quality: Tools for Schools Action Kit for Canadian Schools.

Pests (mice, rats, cockroaches)

Steps to reduce exposure:

  • Clean up all food particles.
  • Follow integrated pest management system guidelines.


Step to reduce exposure: Animals should not live in the classroom or be brought to school.



Steps to reduce exposure:


Steps to reduce exposure:

  • Spores from mould can become airborne and trigger asthma.
  • Outdoor mould levels are higher from spring to fall, especially in damp weather, in freshly cut grass and in decaying leaves. However, outdoor mould is commonly found throughout the year.

Air Pollution

Steps to reduce exposure:

  • Check the Air Quality Health Index (AQHI) and forecasts. In general, consider modifying plans for outdoor physical activity if the AQHI is between four and ten for those with asthma or between seven and ten for the general population. Some children and youth with asthma may experience triggering of their asthma at a lower level if they have poorly controlled or severe asthma, while others with asthma may have no problems in the upper range of the AQHI if their asthma is well controlled. Exercise inside instead of outside on poor air quality days.
  • Keep windows closed.

Extremes in Weather (humidity, hot, cold, wind)

Step to reduce exposure: Weather extremes, including extremes in temperatures, humidity and wind, can trigger asthma.