Ready, Set, Strike ’n Field!

Disability-Centred Movement: Supporting Inclusive Physical Education
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
Primary, Junior

Game Category: Striking & Fielding Games

Type of Activity: Partner Play

What’s It All About?

Sports such as baseball, cricket, and softball can be categorized as striking and fielding games. In these sports, participants strike an object away from defenders on the opposing team and attempt to score runs while stopping the opposing team from scoring. In this activity, participants are working in groups of two, with one participant as the batter and one as the fielder. They will explore ways to work together using different strategies to strike and field an object.

Did You Know?

  • Beep Baseball is a game designed with blind and low vision participants in mind and uses a ball that is bigger than a traditional softball. The ball emits a loud beeping noise, so players can hit it when pitched and find it in the field.1
  • Challenger Baseball is for participants with disabilities, and is played in a fun, safe environment where no score is kept. “Buddies” are assigned to each player to support their participation, including pushing wheelchairs around the base path or assisting them to hold the bat and swing.2
  • Softball for participants in wheelchairs uses a 16-inch softball, which allows players to hold the softball without a glove while keeping one hand on their wheelchair.3


  • 1 implement for striking per pair (e.g., foam bat, pool noodle, tennis racquet, cricket bat)
  • 1 implement for receiving per pair (e.g., bucket, hoop)
  • 1 object to send per pair (e.g., foam ball, tennis ball)
  • 1 pylon and foam ball per pair
  • 4 pylons or floor tape to create the playing area


For participant safety, please review the Disability-Centred Movement Activities safety page and the activity instructions prior to the activity.


  • Divide participants into pairs.
  • Have each pair determine who is Partner A and Partner B. Partner A will begin as the batter and Partner B will begin as a fielder.
  • Using pylons or floor tape, have participants create a large playing area, safely away from other participants.
  • Have Partner A position themself on one side of the playing area beside a pylon with a foam ball balanced on it. Have Partner B position themself on the opposite side of the playing area.
  • Place a variety of foam balls of different sizes to the side of each playing area.

Learn to Play

  • On the signal, Partner A strikes the ball with their hand toward Partner B. Partner B attempts to receive it.
  • If Partner B receives the ball without losing control (e.g., not dropping the ball), they collect a foam ball from the side of the playing area.
  • The objective of the activity is for Partner B to receive the ball successfully and collect as many foam balls in the determined playing time.
  • Partners A and B switch roles each time, whether the ball is successfully received or not.

Action to Play

  • Invite participants to explore different ways a batter can strike an object, and ways a fielder can receive an object. For example:
    • Partner A strikes a foam ball with a paddle, while Partner B receives it inside of a hoop held in the air.
    • Partner A strikes a foam ball with their foot, while Partner B receives it with their foot.
    • Partner A uses an implement (e.g., pool noodle, foam bat) to strike a foam ball on the ground, while Partner B receives it with their implement (e.g., bucket, hoop).

Power All to Play

  • Invite participants to explore the Action to Play co-created list of different ways to send an object when playing the activity.
  • The objective of this activity is to explore the force required to send the ball to varying distances.
  • Partner A has an implement to strike the object and 3 foam balls. They position themselves at one end of the playing area beside a pylon that has a foam ball balanced on it.
  • Using pylons or floor tape, create 3 lines that designate where Partner B must receive the ball. Ensure that the lines are about 5 feet apart.
  • Partner B chooses which line they want to stand on to receive the ball.
  • On the signal to begin, Partner A strikes the foam ball with their implement to Partner B.
  • Partners A and B switch roles after the 3 foam balls are struck, whether the ball is received or not.

Play & Ponder

Use the following prompts throughout the activity to encourage participants to think about and apply the skills, concepts, and strategies used in the activity.

  • As a batter, describe how you strike the ball to help your partner successfully receive it.
  • As a fielder, describe what you can do and how your body is positioned to successfully receive the ball.
  • Describe how you supported your partner in this activity. What does that look, sound, and feel like (e.g., encouragement, feedback)?
  • How can you adjust the activity to make it more challenging (e.g., boundaries, implements, objects)?
  • How can you adjust the activity so that you are more successful (e.g., decreasing the distance between the batter and fielder, changing the object)?
  • Describe other sports, games, and activities that use the same skills, concepts, and strategies like this striking and fielding game.

1Adapted from: Ontario Blind Sports Association (2023). Events: First Beep Baseball Try-It Day. Extracted from:

2Adapted from: Baseball Canada (2023). Challenger Baseball. Extracted from: