Jump and Land

Early Learning Resource
Early Learning

Curriculum Expectations

7.1, 8.1, 8.2

Refer to the Kindergarten Program 2016 for details on the specific expectations.

Activity Learning Goals

By the end of the activity children will be able to:

  • participate actively in creative movement activities
  • demonstrate spatial awareness
  • demonstrate control of large muscles without equipment



Inspect activity area and eliminate potential hazards. Remind children to be cautious when moving, and to be aware of personal space. Clearly outline the boundaries for the activity.

Assessment Opportunity

EL-K Team observation of children’s demonstrated application of active participation, spatial awareness and large muscle control can be recorded on the Anecdotal Recording Chart.

Jumping and Landing

Children find open space and on a signal stop. Children practice jumping and landing in control. Continue practicing with children jumping and landing in control when the freeze signal is given. Children follow oral instructions which provide a number and a direction (e.g., "Show me two jumps forward with a good landing”).

Driving Game

Children are given a paper plate to act as a steering wheel. Children drive their cars around the activity area observing the rules of the road (being careful not to hit other cars). Place hoops on the floor (“pot holes”) which children must avoid or jump over. Hold up a coloured paper to indicate the rules of the road. Red = jump and land, green = go, yellow = slow down.

Notes to EL-K Team

  • Reinforce safety rules such as: move in your own space, move in control when jumping and landing, stop and go signals, keep head and eyes up to avoid collisions.
  • Jumping technique tips: legs bend and extend, arms swing up, push off the balls of feet.
  • Landing technique tips: knees bent, arms out for balance, head up, feet shoulder width apart (resembles sitting on a motorcycle). Land with both feet at the same time, on your heels, soft and quiet.
  • Consider using rubber rings instead of paper plates.
  • Consider adding additional coloured paper rules of the road such as: blue = jump backwards, purple = jump forward, black = jump sideways

Connection Questions to Expand and Enhance Play

  • Why is it important to keep your head and eyes up when moving?
  • What does safe jumping look like?
  • How do you know you have been participating actively?