Ball Kicking Variations

Early Learning Resource
Early Learning

Curriculum Expectations

7.2, 8.1, 8.2

Refer to the Kindergarten Program 2016 for details on the specific expectations.

Activity Learning Goals

By the end of the activity children will be able to:

  • demonstrate persistence while engaged in kicking a ball towards a target that require the use of both large and small muscles
  • demonstrate spatial awareness in activities that require large muscles
  • demonstrate control of large muscles with a ball



Inspect activity area for safe traction and eliminate potential hazards. Remind children to be cautious when moving, and to be aware of personal space. Clearly outline the boundaries for the activity making sure there is a safe distance between the activity area and the furniture/walls.

Assessment Opportunity

EL-K Team observation of children’s demonstrated application of persistence, spatial awareness and muscle control can be recorded on the Anecdotal Recording Chart.

Kicking Exploration

  • Children explore kicking the ball in various ways (e.g., forward, sideways, diagonally, using their left foot, using their right foot, with different amounts of force, at different levels).
  • Children work with a partner and two pylons or floor markers. The children set up the two floor markers and take turns trying to kick a ball between the markers, to the right of the markers and to the left. The children help each other retrieve the ball after it has been kicked.

Circle Kick Ball

Children form groups of 3 or 4. One child stands in the centre of the group, with a ball. The child in the centre kicks the ball toward the other children, and these children must stop the ball (with their feet or with their hands if they need help). They will gently kick it back to the child in the middle. Continue with the game, changing the child in the middle often.

Notes to EL-K Team

  • Encourage children to use their hands if they need to, to stop the ball or to re-gain control. Children are introduced to the skill of controlling the ball with their feet, but are not expected to master this skill.
  • Remind children to be aware of the people around them.
  • Children should check with partners to make sure they are looking before kicking the ball.
  • When stopping/trapping the ball with their foot children should be instructed to: get behind the ball, place the side of their foot beside the ball and to move their foot back to cushion the ball, not to place their foot on top of the ball.
  • Children will need reminders to keep the equipment still when the EL-K Team is giving instructions. “Hugging the ball” is one way of practising this.

Connection Questions to Expand and Enhance Play

  • What can you do to play fairly and show respect for your classmates?
  • Why is it important to have lots of room when kicking a ball?
  • What did you do to improve your kicks to your partner?