Underhand Throwing with Beanbags

Early Learning Resource
Early Learning

Curriculum Expectations

7.2, 8.1, 8.2, 8.3

Refer to the Kindergarten Program 2016 for details on the specific expectations.

Lesson Learning Goals

By the end of the lesson children will be able to:

  • demonstrate persistence while engaged in activities that require the use of both large and small muscles
  • demonstrate spatial awareness
  • demonstrate control of large muscles with equipment
  • demonstrate hand-eye coordination in movement (underhand throw).



Inspect activity area for safe traction and eliminate potential hazards. Remind children to be cautious when moving, and to be aware of personal space.

Assessment Opportunity

EL-K Team observation of children’s demonstrated application of spatial awareness using large and small muscles as well as hand eye coordination in movement (underhand throwing) can be recorded on the Anecdotal Recording Chart.

Underhand Throwing

Children pick a target and attempt to slide their beanbag using an underhand throwing technique towards their target. Start with a large target and progress to smaller targets.

Underhand Toss Circuit

  • Children proceed through a circuit performing the following tasks:

    Station 1
    Children underhand throw a beanbag and attempt to knock a ball off a pylon.

    Station 2
    Children underhand throw a beanbag into a bucket.

    Station 3
    Children form partners or small groups and underhand throw a beanbag to each other.

    Station 4
    Children underhand throw a beanbag and try to hit a target on the wall.

  • Inform children that if they are proficient at throwing at a certain distance, they can increase their distance from the target.

Notes to EL-K Team

  • Review the skills of the underhand throw:
  • Look at the target; point their toes at the target; swing their arm back like an elephant’s trunk; step forward as they release the ball close to the ground (step with foot opposite to their throwing hand); point at their partner or the target after the ball is released during follow through
  • Review the skills of catching – waist high and below waist:
  • Remind children to keep their eye on the ball as it approaches
  • Make a basket shape with their hands with baby fingers pointing towards each other
  • Reach out towards the ball
  • On contact absorb the impact of the catch by lowering the hands

Connection Questions to Expand and Enhance Play

  • Why is it important to throw a safe distance away from your classmates?
  • Which targets are easier to hit and which ones are harder?
  • What strategies did you use to ensure that your partner caught your underhand throw?