Underhand Throwing with Large Balls

Early Learning Resource
Early Learning

Curriculum Expectations

7.2, 8.1, 8.2, 8.3

Refer to the Kindergarten Program 2016 for details on the specific expectations.

Activity Learning Goals

By the end of the activity children will be able to:

  • demonstrate persistence while engaged in activities that require the use of both large and small muscles
  • demonstrate spatial awareness
  • demonstrate control of large muscles with equipment
  • demonstrate hand-eye coordination in movement (underhand throw).



Inspect activity area for safe traction and eliminate potential hazards. Clearly outline the boundaries for the activity making sure there is a safe distance between the activity area and the furniture/walls. Remind children to be cautious when moving, and to be aware of personal space.

Assessment Opportunity

EL-K Team observation of children’s demonstrated application of spatial awareness using large and small muscles as well as hand eye coordination in movement (underhand throwing) while using equipment can be recorded on the Anecdotal Recording Chart.

Toss and Catch

Using an underhand throwing motion, children explore tossing a ball into the air, letting it bounce once on the floor and catching it. After several turns, children will try to catch the ball before it bounces on the floor using an underhand catch. Consider suggesting creative scenarios for throwing and catching and having children share their own creative scenarios.

Tossing Tricks

  • Continuing with the upward underhand tossing motion, children attempt to perform small tasks or “tricks” before catching the ball (e.g., clap their hands, touch their knees, or touch the floor). Children explore and experiment with moving and catching. Children vary the height of their throws. Working alone or with a partner, children work on different tossing and catching challenges. Children will use the underhand catch.
  • Select some children to demonstrate their tricks for the class. Give all children an opportunity to try some of the tricks they saw demonstrated. Encourage children to be creative and to try new things.

Notes to EL-K Team

  • Provide a variety of sizes and types of balls for children to use so they can choose one which meets their abilities.
  • For Toss and Catch, emphasize throwing the ball directly up so that it will return directly to the child on the descent.
  • Remind children to release the ball near head level to allow the ball to go vertically above them.
  • Keep their eyes on the ball
  • Make a basket shape with their hands with baby fingers pointing at each other
  • Reach out towards the ball
  • On contact absorb the impact of the catch by lowering the hands
  • Remind children to watch the ball, hold out hands with baby fingers pointing towards each other if receiving ball from someone and finally bring ball into chest to absorb force of the catch.
  • Provide feedback and praise to children who are experimenting with “tricks.”
  • Challenge children to count the number of times they can clap before they catch the ball or to turn 180 degrees before catching the ball.

Connection Questions to Expand and Enhance Play

  • What type of ball did you choose to throw and catch? Why?
  • Which trick did you enjoy doing the most and why?
  • Which trick did you find was the hardest to do and why?