Evaluate and Draw Conclusions

Students synthesize data, evidence, results, and/or information in order to make informed, critical judgments based on the reliability of the information and to explain the decision, choice, goal, or solution and its impact on themselves, others, and the world around them.

As educators guide students through the Evaluate and Draw Conclusions component, they may refer to Figure 5 to give consideration to the planned level of student autonomy, taking into account student needs and educator comfort.

After students have analysed their sources of information, they next amalgamate their information and draw conclusions based on sound judgment about the evidence.

To synthesize all their collected information, students combine and arrange data, eliminate information that isn’t important, highlight new understandings. Students look at what the evidence tells them, determine the implications of the information, and make a logical, well-supported conclusion. This may include what impact it has on them, others, or the world around them.

Students can use the information in their conclusions in a variety of ways, such as:

  • To develop or revise plans that impact their health such as plans for healthy eating, fitness or sexual health
  • To make decisions about resolving conflicts
  • To make adjustments in performing a movement skill
  • To choose an effective offensive or defensive strategy in a game situation
  • To judge how the use of movement skills or game strategies affects successful participation in game play