Learn to Move
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12

A take off from one foot landing on the same foot.

From left to right: A student bent slightly forward with their arms extended backwards, balancing on one leg with the non-supporting leg flexed at the knee. The same student, this time with their arms straight up above their head, the supporting leg with toes pointed down, heel up and the non-supporting leg at a 90 degree angle from the hip. The same student, this time with their arms extended in front of their face, the supporting leg slightly bent and the non-supporting leg bent slightly above the ground.
  • Stand on one foot with the other leg flexed at the knee
  • Swing both arms back at the same time as the flexed leg swings back
  • Swing both arms forward and upward
  • Push off from toes of standing leg and swing flexed leg forward to produce force
  • Land softly on the ball of the foot with the knee bent to absorb impact

I can also...

  • participate in triple jump
  • perform a hip hop dance
  • jump rope

Self Check Questions

  • Am I moving my arms and swing leg together in one fluid motion?
  • Do I land on the same foot as I take off from?
  • Do I use my arms to help produce force?