Activities which require moving as a team to advance an object into the other team’s zone in order to score points. Territory activities require control to keep the object away from the opposing team.

- Maintaining possession (offensive)
- Controls the object by communicating with teammates and making short passes
Moderately Complex
- Defending Space (defensive)
- Matches an opponent by marking his or her movements and defending space
- Create Space (offensive)
- Creates space by using formations which cover the entire playing area and placing object away from defenders
Living Skills Connections
- What strategies did you use to communicate with your teammates in territory activities?
- What helps you make fast decisions on the move when playing territory activities?
- What made your team successful when you had possession of the object?
These strategies transfer to:
- playing sledge hockey
- playing basketball
- playing soccer
Tactical Awareness
- What are effective ways to create space when in possession of the object?
- What are effective ways to try to maintain possession of the object in order to score points?
- What are effective ways for defenders to try and prevent a successful pass?