Dear Friends of Ophea,
On behalf of Ophea’s Board of Directors and our entire staff team, we wish to extend our sincere appreciation for your support, perhaps at no time more meaningful than in recent days following the discontinuation of our annual Health & Physical Education (H&PE) curriculum implementation support funding from the Government of Ontario.
Ophea has a long and proud history. Since 1921, Ophea has worked to support the education and health of children and youth in our province, helping over 2 million each year acquire and apply knowledge and skills that positively impact their health.
For decades, Ophea has initiated and implemented province-wide school health programs, often in partnership with the support of NGO’s, government, foundations, corporate partners and individual donors to fund our work. Ophea is the most sought-after resource by Ontario teachers for quality health and wellness information, with 75% of H&PE teachers in the province having heard about us, and 98% having had a positive impression of our organization and work (Environics 2017).
The importance of quality H&PE for Ontario students is more relevant than ever. Parents in Ontario view teachers as a trusted source of health information for their children. In fact, 98% of parents agree that H&PE is very important, and that it helps children address the many challenges they face today (Environics 2017).
This H&PE curriculum implementation support funding was initiated under a Progressive Conservative government, and for over 16 years, there has been recognition that Ontario’s 124,000 teachers require and rely on Ophea for the policy development, training, resources, and professional supports we offer to encourage and support children and youth in leading healthy, active lives. The loss of our annual H&PE curriculum implementation support funding will impact the scope and volume of services we provide.
In response to the questions received on the impact to the resources we provide on TeachingTools.ophea.net; the process to remove the following resources has begun (we will provide more details on the timing of the removal of each one as it’s confirmed):
Instructional Dance Videos
Level Up
Ophea is absolutely still open for business – our mandate has always included providing high-quality supports for teachers, and this will continue.
We invite you to join us and show your support by:
- DONATING so that Ophea’s programs and services continue to make students and schools healthier, safer and happier. Make a donation on behalf of your children, a favourite teacher, or because you believe as we do, that healthy, active kids grow into healthy, active adults.
- PARTNERING with us. We’re always ready and looking to connect with likeminded businesses and organizations.
- USING our resources.
- BOOKING a workshop.
- FOLLOWING us on social media and spreading the word. If you’re a teacher and you’ve benefited from the work we do, spread the word and help us help others.
- SIGNING UP for our monthly eConnection e-newsletter.
Chris Markham, Executive Director & CEO and John Dance, President, Board of Directors