Did you join Ophea Live on Facebook March 3rd to learn more about Assessment and Evaluation (A&E) for secondary educations? For those that missed it or would like a recap, we’ve got you covered!
Facebook Live Highlights:
Assessment is part of daily instruction: being clear about what students currently know and do and what students need to know and do related to the learning goals helps teachers design the learning for the day.
Students need clear targets for learning: this is established by the learning goals and success criteria, helping students to succeed when they have clear targets and goals.
Importance of including students in the assessment process: helps students to develop their self-assessment skills so they set their own goals for learning. This can also support them in planning their next steps. As exemplified in the video recording, students can assess what they have been doing successfully and what they feel they can improve on.
Thank you to Ophea H&PE Curriculum Consultant Joanne Walsh, and secondary H&PE educator Meaghan Coe for helping make this live stream possible and inviting us to learn more on the subject of secondary A&E. Great information and examples were shared and we look forward to connecting again in the near future!
Learn more about our new H&PE Secondary Resources and how they can support you. Access the online resources at https://ophea.net/hpe-secondary-resources. (Resources are available in English and French to schools boards that have purchased access)
Watch Recording: