Learn to Move
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12

A rhythmical bounding movement with a step-hop pattern.

From left to right: student in a staggered stance with their right arm slightly forward. Same student, this time with their right leg bent, forming a 90 degree angle at the hips and their left leg with toes pointed. A close-up of the right leg bent, forming a 90 degree angle and the left leg with toes pointed.
  • Step forward and hop on the same foot, then repeat on other foot; right foot down, left foot up and repeat
  • "Step-hop-step-hop"
  • Move arms in opposition to the legs
  • Lift knees sharply upwards
  • Land with the toes and ball of foot first

I can also...

  • folk dance
  • play hopscotch
  • do triple jump

Self Check Questions

  • Do I alternate the leg I use to hop and the leg I use to step?
  • Are my arms moving opposite to my legs?
  • Can I skip to the music?