Student Worksheet 1: Draw the Line Coach Scenario

Gender-Based Violence Prevention Education Resources
7, 8, 9

Small group roles:

What do your instincts tell you about what is happening? (Or in other words, what is your gut feeling about the scenario?)
What about the scenario doesn’t seem right to you?

What might a bystander be able to do?

Think about your answers to item 3. What are possible short- and long-term repercussions to each action for the bystander and for the person in the scenario?

Evaluate your proposed actions by weighing them against possible repercussions. Which are the safest interventions? Which are the most effective interventions?

Review your answers for items 3 and 4. Complete the following statements:

One action I feel comfortable with is
One action I feel uncomfortable with is
What are some resources – such as reference materials, people, services, and organizations – available to assist you in taking action?