Community Member Texting Scenario Student Worksheet

Gender-Based Violence Prevention Education Resources
7, 8, 9

1. Read the Draw the Line Community Member Texting scenario card. In your small group, discuss the following points and note your answers below.

Identify three feelings your friend may be experiencing.
What could you say to your friend?
What would you suggest your friend do?
2. Notes – Part 2 of video:

3. Choose an option below that you could put into action.

  • Sit and talk with your friend
  • Tell another community member or elder
  • Report it
  • Generate your own next steps
Using a role play, letter, email, simulated message exchange, or other format agreed upon with your teacher, illustrate what your actions would look like and sound like.
4. As a group, brainstorm names of trusted adults and local organizations who can provide additional support to you with difficult situations like this one.

Exit Card

After seeing a variety of options from your classmates for taking action in this situation, which option would you choose, and why?
Identify three people in your life that you would be comfortable and confident talking to; that is, people who would “hold your hand” through a difficult process.