Coercion Scenario Student Worksheet

Gender-Based Violence Prevention Education Resources
7, 8, 9

1. Think about a time when you or a friend were pressured into doing something you may not have wanted to do. (e.g., trying something you think might be risky, doing something unfamiliar but seems exciting, breaking a rule; taking something that didn’t belong to you).

What was the situation?
What did it sound like?
What did it feel like?
What are some reasons why someone might give in to peer pressure?
What are some reasons why someone might resist peer pressure?

2. Read the front of Ophea’s Coercion Scenario card. Discuss and capture your initial response to the scenario by answering the questions:

What might Ari be feeling about sending nude pictures?
What might be impacting Ari’s decision to send nudes?
What might indicate that Ari is being pressured to send nudes?
What might Ari’s friend's response of “hmmm...” mean to Ari?
What might happen next if Ari sends nudes?
What might happen next if Ari says no?
3. Notes – Part 1 of video:

4. Reflect on what happened in the Video. As Ari’s trusted friend, what are some questions you might ask to help Ari clarify their thinking, make a decision and communicate their decision?

Question 1:
Question 2:
Question 3:
5. Notes - Part 2 of video:

Exit Card

Pause and reflect on everything you’ve read, heard, said or written down.

Create your DM (direct message) response to Ari, providing words of support, and some suggested replies that Ari might use to reply to the request for nudes that clearly communicates their feelings, their decision, and establishes their boundaries.
Next, identify two people in your life that you would be comfortable and confident talking to about this situation.