Singer Scenario Student Worksheet

Gender-Based Violence Prevention Education Resources
7, 8, 9
Read the top portion of the singer scenario card. How does this scenario make you feel? What do your instincts tell you about what is happening? (Or in other words, what is your gut feeling about the scenario?)
What are your core beliefs and values about the ways in which someone should treat their partner?
What are some actions you could take as a consumer if an artist you admired was accused of assaulting their partner? Consider the pros and cons of your proposed actions.

In the video, Julie Lalonde asks, “Do your values match up with your actions?” Consider your responses to Questions 2 and 3.

Do your values and proposed actions align? (For example: If you believe victims of sexual violence deserve to be heard, you might choose to advocate for them through social media. Conversely, if you try to support victims by accessing an artist's material in a way in which they do not financially benefit, are you not still adding to their popularity?)