Squat and Kick




Stand with feet shoulder width apart then bend your knees and squat at a 90° angle as if you are sitting on a chair. Next, drive your body upward, through your heels, and move from a squat to a standing position. As you stand, raise your left knee and kick outward with your left foot. Repeat the squat then kick with your right leg as you extend up to standing. Alternate left and right squat kicks. To ensure safety, your knees should be in line with your ankles and not go over your toes. Be aware of your personal space when kicking forward.

Key Phrase: “Squat, kick right; Squat, kick left.”


Start by sitting with feet together and safely planted on the ground. Lean forward slightly with back straight and knees directly above the ankles. Place arms at your sides. Lift right knee up, then kick right foot out and then alternate to the left knee up, then kick left foot out.

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