Propelling an object forward using an overhand movement.

- Stand with feet apart, facing sideways with weight on back foot. Hold ball with fingers
- Throwing arm lengthens down and back behind body
- Eyes remain on target
- Foot opposite to the throwing hand is forward. Rotate body to face target, transferring weight onto the front foot. Straighten throwing arm
- Keep ball above ear level
- Point throwing hand towards target
- Release ball slightly above and in front of head
- Throwing arm follows through down and across the body
I can also...
- throw a football
- throw a foam javelin
- overhand strike a beach ball
Self Check Questions
- Is the foot opposite to my throwing arm forward?
- Is my body turned sideways to the target as I prepare to throw?
- Do I follow through with my throwing arm across my body?
- Do I look at my target when I release the object?
- Can I follow a moving target and adjust my throw accordingly?