Delivering an upward force to a moving ball using the palms and fingers with the hands placed above the head.

- Place the hands above the forehead, making a triangle-shape with the thumbs and index fingers
- Bend the arms with the elbows at a 45° angle and pointed to the sides
- Maintain eye contact with the ball
- Move body under the ball
- At the moment of impact the hands are above the forehead keeping feet shoulder width apart and staggered
- Send the ball upwards with the finger tips
- Extend through the arms and legs simultaneously
- Follow through with the hands in the intended direction of the ball
I can also...
- play beach volleyball
- play court volleyball
- play balloonminton
Self Check Questions
- Am I ready to receive a ball at all times with my knees bent, head up and arms relaxed but ready?
- Do I move my feet to get under the ball before contact?
- Do I volley the ball with my fingertips without “lifting” it?