Cannabis Education Resources

Cannabis Education Resources has been developed to provide educators and administrators access to evidence-informed information on substance use (specifically cannabis) to help students develop the knowledge and skills needed to make informed decisions to support their health and well-being.

The Cannabis Education Resources include:

  • the Resource Database: a compilation of evidence-based resources that provides educators and administrators the tools to assist students in developing their knowledge and skills to make informed decisions and reduce harms associated with cannabis use;
  • Clearing the Air about Cannabis: a Q&A Column: has been created to continue the conversation and provide a space to ask questions on topics related to cannabis that concern you, your classroom, and your school community; and,
  • the Elementary Educator Discussion Guide and the Secondary Educator Discussion Guide: which aim to promote an open dialogue within the school community about recreational and medical cannabis, to address questions and concerns, and to foster a whole-school approach and shared responsibility when dealing with situations involving cannabis.
  • Cannabis Education Activity Plans: have been designed for grades 5-12 to provide students with inquiry-based activities to address the topic of cannabis. The activities link to evidence-based information and connect to the substance use, addictions and related behaviours curriculum expectations within the H&PE curriculum.

Since the release of this resource Ophea has developed resources to support educators in creating an inclusive Health and Physical Education learning environment. Please refer to Culturally Responsive and Relevant Pedagogy in Health and Physical Education and Disability-Centred Movement: Supporting Inclusive Physical Education for more information.

Ophea's Cannabis Education Resources are funded by Health Canada.