Mental Health and Substance Use -Tips for Educators by Youth

Vaping Education Resources
4, 5, 6, 7, 8
Junior, Intermediate

Recognize the Connection Between Mental Health and Substance Use

  • Acknowledge that sometimes substances are used to cope with mental health concerns.
  • There is a need for open and honest education about mental health and substance use.

Just Listen

  • Understand that there is a likelihood that students have a lot going on, and everyone struggles sometimes. Create a judgment-free zone. There is value in just listening.
  • Create a safe space for students to have conversations and keep open lines of communication. Rigid barriers will shut them down.

Help Find Safer Experiences

  • If you can’t make school tolerable, help find safer experiences for students that need them. Help students explore their interests and learn new skills to get a sense of control in their life.
  • School can be overwhelming. Using a variety of strategies like role-playing can help build skills to cope and gain a sense of control over various situations.

Ask Why

  • Think about substance use from a student’s headspace. Ask why. Why might youth be using substances?
  • There is a multitude of reasons: the stress of achievement, coping, or trying to escape can all be linked to substance use.

Avoid Power Struggles

  • Adults have much less control than they might think when it comes to youth and substance use.
  • Autonomy for students is important. You don’t always need to try to fix the problem.