Overhand Throw

Learn to Move
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Propelling an object forward using an overhand movement.

From left to right: student in a staggered stance with their right arm flexed at the elbow and their left arm pulled up and back with a flexed elbow, holding a ball behind their head. The student with their torso facing forward, their right arm down by their side and their left arm bent at 90 degrees beside their head, still holding the ball. The student still in a staggered stance, their right arm extended slightly behind them and their left arm extended out in front of them. The ball has been thrown.
  • Stand with feet apart, facing sideways with weight on back foot. Hold ball with fingers
  • Throwing arm lengthens down and back behind body
  • Eyes remain on target
  • Foot opposite to the throwing hand is forward. Rotate body to face target, transferring weight onto the front foot. Straighten throwing arm
  • Keep ball above ear level
  • Point throwing hand towards target
  • Release ball slightly above and in front of head
  • Throwing arm follows through down and across the body

I can also...

  • throw a football
  • throw a foam javelin
  • overhand strike a beach ball

Self Check Questions

  • Is the foot opposite to my throwing arm forward?
  • Is my body turned sideways to the target as I prepare to throw?
  • Do I follow through with my throwing arm across my body?
  • Do I look at my target when I release the object?
  • Can I follow a moving target and adjust my throw accordingly?