Snake Search

Beyond the Walls: Activities for the Outdoors
4, 5, 6

Setting: DPA

Season: Spring

Activity Goal

Participants find hidden objects, then work cooperatively to build the longest snake they can while trying to beat the timer!

For participant safety, please review the contents of the Beyond the Walls: Safety Considerations page for information on Safety Standards, Spring Safety Considerations, and Outdoor Playing Areas and Surfaces.


6-12 skipping ropes/sections of rope/scraps of fabric/pieces of yarn per small group

Before Play

  • Review the safety rules and activity instructions with participants prior to the activity.
  • Establish the boundaries for the designated playing area and share them with participants. Ensure the playing area is large and of varied enough terrain that participants can hide the pieces of their snakes throughout the area.
  • Divide participants into groups of 4. Have one participant from each team hide another team's ‘snake’ sections (skipping ropes or sections of rope/yarn) throughout the playing area, while all other participants cover their eyes and count backwards from 30.
  • The objective of the activity is for the remaining participants to find the sections of their group’s ‘snake’ hidden throughout the playing area. Groups select 4 different locomotor skills and motor pathways for travel during their ‘search’ time.

During Play

  • Once all ‘snake’ sections are hidden, teams have two minutes to find as many sections of the snake as they can. As teams find sections of their ‘snake’ they tie each piece together to build the longest snake possible. The group with the longest snake at the end of two minutes wins the round!
  • Change the participant who hides the snake sections and restart the activity.

After Play

Use the following prompts for participants to reflect on ways to be active in spring and engage others in activity to build a habit of engaging in outdoor activity throughout the year.

Question prompts:

  • What made a good hiding spot for the ‘snake’ sections when you were hiding them? How might this relate to how animals (like snakes!) hide in real life?
  • How did the change in your locomotor movement pattern impact your ability to search for the snake sections? Did one render you more or less able to find them?
  • How did your perspective change when you were traveling at a low/medium/high level?


Consider these tips to maximize the challenge and the fun for participants.

  • To increase the challenge of this activity, have participants select and perform a designated number of repetitions of an activity such one from Ophea’s 50 Fitness activities while waiting for their group member to hide the ‘snakes’ for each team. While group members are out searching for snake pieces, have the remaining participant perform repetitions of the same or another activity.
  • Consider having participants use alternative locomotor or movement pathways each time they are searching for a new section of ‘snake’.
  • To increase the challenge of finding the snake sections, consider designating a different colour for each group, and providing their snake sections in that colour. Teams who assemble their ‘snake’ the fastest, wins.


Consider these tips to maximize inclusion and fun for all participants.

  • For participants that are blind/low vision, have the participant who hides the ‘snakes’ provide verbal prompts for where they should search.
  • For participants with fine motor control issues, consider having participants lay their ‘snake’ sections down on the ground end-to-end rather than having them tie them together.