
Activity Overview

PlaySport helps children and youth develop an understanding of the key movement skills, concepts, and strategies associated with a wide range of physical activities, games, and sports.

PlaySport includes downloadable and printable activity cards that contain step-by-step instructions for leading activities with participants in diverse settings. Activity cards incorporate the following key elements: 

  • Connections to other games and sports that use similar movement skills, concepts, strategies, and tactics. 
  • Considerations for meeting the diverse backgrounds, identities, needs, and interests of participants in order to maximize the fun, inclusion, participation, and success of everyone when building their physical literacy. 
  • Importance of safety and key safety information to review before engaging participants in an activity. 
  • Options for equipment, group sizes and configurations, activity/equipment set-up, and suggestions for how to engage in play that maximizes participation in a meaningful way. 
  • Reflection questions to help participants make connections to skills they are developing for lifelong healthy, active living, while making connections to their lived physical activity experiences.  
  • Variations to provide participants with a voice and choice about how they would best like to engage in the activity and support their peers. 

These activities aim to increase the competence and capacity of users to promote physical activity to encourage participants to discover the joy of movement. Through their collaborative participation, participants may enhance their understanding of the diverse ways they can move and discover how they prefer to move and engage in physical activity. Through these key understandings, participants foster the confidence and motivation to be active, and to continue to be active for life.  

Activity Access

Select the appropriate division to learn more about the Game categories and to access activities for each division.