Squirrel Tails

Beyond the Walls: Activities for the Outdoors
1, 2, 3

Setting: Intramurals

Season: Fall

Activity Goal

Participants engage in a fun activity in a fall environment to build healthy relationships and social connections with others and for additional opportunities to be active throughout the school day.

For participant safety, please review the contents of the Beyond the Walls: Safety Considerations page for information on Safety Standards, Fall Safety Considerations, and Outdoor Playing Areas and Surfaces.


  • Cones/pylons to mark the designated playing area (optional)
  • Flag (e.g., scarf, pinnie) for each participant

How to Play

  • Review the safety rules and activity instructions with participants prior to the activity.
  • Establish the boundaries for the designated playing area and share them with participants.
  • Participants place their flag like a tail just inside their belt or waistband. Tails are not to be wrapped around the belt.
  • Explain to participants that the goal is to collect as many of the other participants' tails as possible without losing their own tail. Remind participants to keep their heads up and be aware of their surroundings to avoid collisions with other participants.
  • At a predetermined signal, participants move around the playing area trying to steal the tails of other participants. Participants may not protect their tails using their hands or by hiding them. When stealing tails, participants are not to grab or hold onto the other participant when attempting to take their tail (flag).
  • Once participants remove a tail, they may hold it in their hand or replace the tail on their belt if their tail has already been taken. Participants may kneel while replacing their tail to indicate that they are momentarily not participating.


Consider these tips to maximize the challenge and the fun for participants.

  • Each participant may begin the activity with two tails.
  • Have participants play with a partner. They may only remove their partner’s tail. Once a tail is taken, it is returned and play resumes. Participants count how many times they were able to remove their partner’s tail.
  • Have participants play as teams, attempting to catch all their opponents' tails. Each time they catch a tail, they score a point. To keep everyone active, have the player return the tail to their opponent who remains in the game.


Consider these tips to maximize inclusion and fun for all participants.

  • For participants with mobility challenges, adjust the game's rules and invite the whole group to think of a way to make the game more static, so everyone is playing at the same level.
  • For participants with a cognitive disability, invite all participants to adapt the game or rules to be inclusive of all skill levels.