Resource: BrainBlitz Activity cards that can be used for an active break during learning, as an opportunity to improve attention, or to insert fun into daily learning for all ages/grades and abilities. Activities Meditation and Relaxation Breathing with Awareness Breathing Good Energy In Body Sensing Meditation Happy Place Meditation Energy Release
Image Six Things to Check Off Your Mid-Year To-Do List! The new year is here! As schools and classrooms across Ontario begin to settle into the January routine, Ophea is ready to support educators with resources, programming, and other tools to promote...
Image Jays Care Foundation Affiliate Schools Jays Care Foundation is the official team charity of the Toronto Blue Jays Major League Baseball (MLB) team, working to promote inclusion focused extracurricular programs in Canadian schools. Jays...
Image The Magic Ingredients for a Powerful Partnership: Part Two Spotlight on Peterborough & Surrounding Area Public Health and School Boards “Relationship building is the key to the success of any collaboration.” Claire Townshend, Manager Peterborough Public...
Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Resources A Quick Guide to Pronouns (Available in English) Author: Canadian Centre for Gender and Sexual Diversity (CCGSD) Audience (Grade): Teachers (Elementary, Secondary), Administrators (Elementary...